Saturday, February 5, 2011

Now let me tell you about Loas..

Hey guys. Whats up? Yeah? Thats cool...
Anyways, we have been in Loas for about a week now, and I am loving it so far. I know the boys have been keeping everyone up to date on what we have been doing, so I'll just talk about all my favourite things about Loas

Number 1 - The landscape. As soon as we got onto the slow boat to Luang Prabang, the scenery went from awesome to totally amazing. The Mekong river is fast moving water, with a shore of giant rocks, perfect white sand and small peanut crops. Scatterd through the two day boat ride would be families fishing, bathing, or panning for gold, along with water buffalo and cattle. Every time we have been on the road here, although winding and bumpy, it has been beautiful! Thick jungle covered mountains, with small communities fitting in where they can.

Number 2 - The Children! I think that Loa people started the saying 'it takes a village to raise one child'. Children grow up here with a huge number of family and friends to love and trust. I have yet to run into a shy kid. Biking around Luang Prabang little kids will run up to you "sabadie!! Sabadie!!", shake your hand, want you to pick them up, or have a race down the back alley. The parents are trusting too, they see me playing with their kids, and they smile, laugh and wave. Having a kid here, however, is no excuse to slow down. You see women working full force, in the market, or on their farm, with their babies in a snuggly on their back. And if the mom can't hold the baby, there is a grandpa, grandma, brother, sister, neighbor, or friendly face to take care of the child. I love it. I love being around such trusting people, and such a community!

Number 3 - The smiles. Loas is a place that has been, and continues to be, devastated by the 'Secret War', the war is fresh in everyones memory, and yet, everybody is so happy. I'm pretty sure that a bright big smile is a physical trait of Loa. It makes me so happy to walk around and see so many happy smiling faces. My type of people!

There's probably more...but thats my top three forsure.
Tomorrow Jevin is headed in a different direction than us for the first time! He is going to southern Loas to see an amazing cave, while me and Squid are going to stay north and make our way through some small towns and see a bit more of the local culture before moving on to Vietnam. We'll meet up with Jevin again in Vietnam in a little bit more than a week. I'll miss my coffee drinking buddy. You'd think we would all get sick of eachother, but I love our traveling trio. It'll be fun to meet up in a week and see what adventures we got up to.

Peace and Love to all! (I know its cheesy, but I really mean it)

Love love love love love love

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